Thursday, September 11, 2008

Deepak hits the nail on the head

As far as we have gone into this election season, distracted by our media and the horse race, we shouldn't lose sight that "progressive" is far more than just a political term. It is part of our lives in ways that go much deeper than our vote on election day, but how we live our lives, how we think and how we feel. I wanted to share this analysis by Deepak Chopra, and get some feedback on it. Perhaps we can see parallels in other races here in Washington.

Obama and the Palin Effect

How does the Gregoire/Rossi race make you feel? How about more local races? Think about it. What spiritual debates are taking place below the surface that the media is competent to comment on, deeper in our souls where only close friends and family can connect with our fears and hopes?

Chad Lupkes
Chair, Washington State Progressive Caucus


Anonymous said...

The Gregoire/Rossi race just makes me want to choke. I live in central WA. Our local country music radio station seems to give a lot of air time to Dino Rossi. His campaign centers mostly around electing him, "for a change". He neglects to identify what he considers our state's "most vulnerable" population and blames Gregoire for the increase in traffic on our state's roadways. I dislike negative campaigning. As yet, I have not heard anything on the radio about Gov. Gregoire's campaign.

Rob J. said...

Chad, Although we are friends, I am a staunch Progressive Trinitarian Christian through & through and thus find Deepak's "New Age" blend of pseudo-science and Hindu mysticism to be utter garbage!

The last (& only!) time I was around Chopra was when I was LITERALLY handing out evangelistic Christian tracts in front of the auditorium where he was speaking (mostly to lonely middle aged women searching for answers!).

Well, looks like Palin will be the New Representative of the Women's Lib Movement! I am finding an increasing # of Progressive women to be PRO-LIFE! Hard to have an actual biological baby and then want to legalize killing babies!

Blessings in Jesus the Christ! Rob J. King

Spiritual Progressives' said...

"spiritual debates are taking place below the surface that the media is competent to comment on..."?
The MSM, as is, is not competent to comment on these mentioned. Yet these "debates" are extending beyond the family and close friend circle. More and more of us are changing the typical political discourse and including what is most important in our lives beyond family.
Hope- Hope in something greater than ourselves.
Openminds-Open to 'every person has value'.
Willingness-Willing to step out of the box and challenge. Challenge the ignorant,fear based biases hiding behind "Christian" or likewise.

You are so right-Progressive is more than just a political term. But as we all know that term has been co-op'd as has "Reformer". Which DC pointed out.
These "sheep in wolfves clothing" are easily reconizable. But we must be willing to point them out and engage them.
Enough said.
Thanks for your sharing the article and for the thought provoking questions.

R.Austin Sr. said...

Dear Rob –

You state that you are “finding an increasing # of Progressive women to be PRO-LIFE!”

In order to avoid confusion, what is your definition of “pro-life”? The reason I ask is that we both know that being anti-choice does equate with being “pro-life”.

Are the “pro-life” Progressive women you have found against war, capital punishment, and rich nations that allow children in poor nations to starve to death? If not, then they’re really not “pro-life”, are they? They’re simply anti-choice.

I’m curious to know….

Your strong denunciation of Chopra seeks to what? Divert us away from his spot-on article?

Do the writings of Thoreau also offend you? How about the music of Pete Seegar? Did you find sermons by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. contrary to your Progressive Trinitarian Christian beliefs?

About your leafleting…Rob, to put it mildly, your reference to “mostly…lonely middle aged women searching for answers” is at best sexiest and elitist. Has it ever occurred to you that they may have already found the answer and that Deepak is the messenger?

I fear your God may be too small…

Chad Lupkes said...

Rich, Rob's perspective on Life and Choice is based on very personal experiences, and he is steadfast in his evangelical religious faith no matter what I've said over the last few years. I've found his tenacity something to respect.

However, much I respect the man, I have to say, Rob, that you have entered the lions den on this blog. Declaring an author that we highly respect to be touting 'garbage', describing an act of handing out evangelical literature to people who had already chosen a different path, and bringing your strict and confrontational pro-life language here brings into question how much the respect I have for you and your community is returned. I guarantee that you will not find any converts here. You will find people who know their stances on the issues likely as well if not better than you do, indeed often I find them more prepared for debates than I myself am, and who are not willing to tolerate insults to those positions. If you choose to stay and continue to comment, you'll be in for a wild ride. Please think hard about what you hope to gain by commenting on this blog. It might not be worth it.