Monday, September 8, 2008

Rudy, Sarah diss community orgainzers

During their speeches at the Republican Convention, both former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Governor Sarah Palin belittled Senator Barack Obama's community organizing work.  In doing so they likewise belittled  dedicated community volunteers, and (underpaid) folks who chose community advocacy as a career.


In the Yellow Pages, under "Community Organizations",  it says "See Community Information".


Included therein are countless community organizations dedicated to serving people.  Programs for both youths and seniors are listed.  So is Hospice.  There are homeless shelters and food banks. Adoption services and crisis counseling are offered.  Employment training and safety education are too.  Also included are a number of self-help  support groups.  All of the many listings have one common theme: community service.


The Elks "serve the people and communities through benevolent programs", and the "Lions participate in a vast variety of projects important to their communities". The Kiwanas "are revitalizing neighborhoods, organizing youth-sports programs, tutoring, building playgrounds, and performing countless other projects to help children and communities."  The PTA is "dedicated to promoting children's health, well-being, and educational success through strong parent, family, and community involvement".


Evidently Mr. Giiliani and Ms. Palin, along with the GOP operatives  who approved their speeches,  have low opinions of community organizers.  That their venom was carried on national TV is disgraceful.


Those of us who value human kindness, compassion,  and decency applaud the hard work of community organizers. God bless you.  Your  hard work personifies what I learned as a child: we are our Brother's and Sister's keepers.

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