Monday, September 7, 2009

"Sick and Wrong" by Matt Taibbi

Hello all -
I encourage everyone to click on the link and read the article by Taibbi.  It is long, and it is infuriating!  It also lays some sacred cows to waste.  Some people may find that uncomfortable.  (They would be wise to remember that mimicking the ostrich does not lessen the danger.)  
Defenders of  the status quo are the gang of eight: C-O-N-G-R-E-S-S!   Ultimate responsibility, however, rests with we the people.  Too many "good citizens" would rather sit on their butts watching inane television shows instead of marching in the streets in order to win health care justice.  And as if the current crisis isn't bad enough, ostriches are kicking the can down the street.  By doing so they are guaranteeing that their children or grandchildren will inherit an even bigger crisis.  Such neglect is  tantamount to abuse!
If we don't stand for something we'll fall for anything...and the fall will either kill us or our heirs.
Rich Austin
September 3, 2009
Sick and Wrong
By Matt Taibbi

All that's left of health care reform is a collection of piece-of-shit, weakling proposals that are preposterously expensive and contain almost nothing meaningful — and that set of proposals, meanwhile, is being negotiated down even further by the endlessly negating Group of Six. It is a fight to the finish now between Really Bad and Even Worse. And it's virtually guaranteed to sour the public on reform efforts for years to come.

Then again, some of the blame has to go to all of us. It's more than a little conspicuous that the same electorate that poured its heart out last year for the Hallmark-card story line of the Obama campaign has not been seen much in this health care debate. The handful of legislators — the Weiners, Kuciniches, Wydens and Sanderses — who are fighting for something real should be doing so with armies at their back. Instead, all the noise is being made on the other side. Not so stupid after all — they, at least, understand that politics is a fight that does not end with the wearing of a T-shirt in November.

Comment:  This may be the most important week in this window of opportunity for health care reform. Matt Taibbi's well researched article tells us where we are and how we got here. It's a must read for those who care. Hopefully it will motivate us to put down our Hallmark cards and join in the fight for real health care justice for all.


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