Tuesday, August 25, 2009


When it became apparent that the “evidence” used to stampede Congress into voting for the Iraq War Resolution was at best counterfeit, politicians began stumbling all over themselves while offering excuses for their “AYE” votes. They claim they were deceived. They lament “if only we had known”…

Now here we are, we’re eight years into the debacle of the war on Iraq, and those same lawmakers are offering no tangible proposals for ending that horrible, illegal action. Oh sure, many claim that if they had had the facts they would have voted “NO” on the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. They admit they made a mistake. They broke it and now they are either unwilling or unable to fix it.

Oh no! Here we go again! We have yet another WMD crisis. We are being bludgeoned by a second round of counterfeit WMD claims. This time, however, “WMD” is short for Weapons of Medical Deception.

This time there is a difference. There are mounds of credible evidence that clearly demonstrate that a so-called “public option” will fail to achieve true health care reform. Next year, or the year after, or eight years from now, Members of Congress will not be able to say, “if only we had known”..

The debate over health care reform is being guided by purveyors of Weapons of Medical Deception. Who are these culprits? As you might expect, there are the usual suspects. The medical-profits industry, which is composed of insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates, and for-profit hospital corporations, are circulating outright lies that, when exposed to even cursory examination, fail to pass the sniff test. They are counterfeit.

The all-powerful entities that make up the military-industrial complex have able accomplices in the medical-profits industry. The former helped sell the war. The latter is selling sham reform. And in both instances, corporate profits are the guiding forces.

This time, however, lawmakers cannot alibi that they lack evidence. On the contrary, they are either choosing to ignore evidence, or they are refusing to listen to people who are able to provide irrefutable facts. Just as with the “largesse” of the military-industrial complex, the $2.2 billion that the medical-profits industry has lavished on Washington, D.C. in the past decade has been money well spent. Numerous representatives of profit-driven “free-market” medicine have been invited to sit at the head table where all the deal-making and legislative finagling is taking place. Advocates for single-payer health care were arrested for requesting a seat anywhere at the table.

You know it and know it.

We all know that Weapons of Medical Deception are being used to destroy true health care reform. We know it! If, therefore, people buy into the scare tactics and the dishonesty and deceit that is being perpetrated by the medical-profits industry and its Congressional surrogates, they are choosing to become culpable. And in eight years they will not be able to lament “if only we had known”…

The solution is to do what should have been done back in 2002 when the run-up to the war was taking place. Tragically, not enough of us marched and protested then.

We must demand the truth now! The “public option” is a Weapon of Medical Deception. Where are the facts? They are being kept from us. Why isn’t Congress willing to have full-blown hearings on every health reform proposal? Because the game has been rigged, that's why! Why are otherwise good people willing to accept some amorphous concept that has been dubbed “public option”? It is WMD II !

If it takes marches on our nation’s capital to get the truth, let’s start planning the marches. We’ll never be able to lament “if only we had known”…

“Well, I run to the rocks and I hide my face The rocks cried out, No hiding place There's no hiding place down here”
Old Gospel song

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