Friday, July 11, 2008

Change is Coming

In just a few weeks we shall witness an event much overdue for our nation. One that for many fills their eyes with tears and their hearts with hope and pride. Reguardless of who you are or what you are, this is history. We,the people,are the "makers" of our history. We write the story of our nation. This is one that through the coming years will beg the questions,as so many other historic events have done,where were you on Aug.28th? What were you doing?
Each of us can,however, answer, we were there. For some, maybe not in person, but our spirit, hope and determination will permiate throughout this land.Your partisipation big or small is 'a part of' The nomination of Barack Obama as our nominee for POTUS!

We encourage you today to join the Washingtonians for Obama 2008! Be part of the change that is coming!

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